This is usually done when all the volunteer work is completed.
In the finalizing stage you will be able to:
change actual working hours
write up performance reports on volunteers
send the project for the administrator's review
Before you proceed, make sure to accept all volunteers who contributed.
Once the project is in the finalizing state, it may not be edited.
Deleting a project is rarely desired.
You may edit the project or delete individual activities instead.
Think twice before proceeding.
Экскурсия для школьников
as needed
Oct 31, 2023
No more applications accepted.
Амбассадорская миссия:
0) нужны 3 волонтера
1) встреча школьников в стенах Университета
2) проведение экскурсии
3) проводить до столовой
4) отправить на трансфер